The Future of Australian Legal Education Conference 2017
Saturday 12 August
Keynote Address
- Professor Martha C. Nussbaum, Why Lawyers Need a Broad Social Education
Current status of legal education - where are we now and how we got here
- Emeritus Professor Dennis Pearce AO, The Past is a Different Country
- Emeritus Professor Sandford Clark AM, Regulating Admission – Are we there yet?
- Emeritus Professor David Barker AM, The Bowen Report – The Overlooked Influence on Legal Education
- The Hon Michael Black AC QC, The CALD Standards for Australian Law Schools: much more than course content
Pedagogy and outcomes
- Associate Professor Lyria Bennett Moses, The Need For Lawyers
- Christina Do and Nicole Wilson-Rogers, ‘Business, Law and Regulation’: A model for developing 'critical thinking' skills in future law graduates
- Professor Alex Steel, Finding ways to quicken, not deaden, the spirit of legal education: reflections on approaches to drafting regulatory standards
Making connections
- The Hon Nicholas Hasluck AM QC, The Case for Change: Keeping One's Own Counsel
- Justin Gleeson SC, Can Australian lawyers of the future afford not to be internationalist?
The Good Lawyer
- Andrew Henderson, Identifying students’ drive as a compass to being a ‘good’ lawyer
- Dr Christian Duperouzel, Reaching Your Verdict: A vocational guide to discerning whether or not to study law and enter the legal field
- Susan Carter, Statutory Interpretation and Legal Ethics: once and done or taught throughout the curriculum?
- Alan Cameron AO, Good mental health as an essential component of the ‘Good Lawyer’
Technology and teaching
Purposes and goals of legal education
- Emeritus Professor John Farrar, The Future of Australian Legal Education – A Comparative View
- Professor Simon Rice OAM, A Place for Critical Perspectives in Legal Education
Sunday 13 August
What every lawyer should know
- Associate Professor Michael Legg, New Skills for New Lawyers: Responding to Technology and Practice Developments
- The Hon Justice John Basten, Teaching Statutory Interpretation
- Kirsty McPhee, Preparing for the Business of Law, not the Practice of Law
- Professor David Rolph, The Role of Legal History in Australian Legal Education
Enhancing access to, and indigenous engagement in, legal education
- Associate Professor Alison Gerard, Annette Gainsford and Kim Bailey, Embedding Indigenous Cultural Competence in a Bachelors of Laws at the Centre for Law and Justice, Charles Sturt University: A Case Study
- Professor Jenny Buchan, Dr Leela Cejnar and Shaun Katz, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion through online learning: using a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to facilitate acquisition of specialist legal knowledge
Experiential learning
- Associate Professor Cathy Sherry, Fertile Octogenarians in Cyberspace: Why and how to use technology to connect the law school classroom to legal practice
- Neville Carter, Australian Legal Education Sector: Key Metrics
- Svetlana German and Robert Pelletier, Clinical Legal Experience: The Benefits of Practical Training in Teaching - Student Perspectives
Preparing for the impact of technology on legal practice
- Associate Professor Penny Crofts, Teaching skills for future legal professionals
- Associate Professor Gabrielle Appleby, Associate Professor Sean Brennan and Professor Andrew Lynch, Keep Calm and Carry On: Why the Increasing Automation of Legal Services Should Deepen and Not Diminish Legal Education
Final Plenary: Looking to the future of legal education
- The Hon Justice Alan Robertson, Deputy President, Australian Academy of Law, Final Plenary Speech
- Fiona McLeod SC, President, Law Council of Australia, Final Plenary Speech
- Dan Trevanion, President, Australian Law Students Association, Final Plenary Speech