13th Annual Patron's Address [2024]
Bridging the Gulf: the Role of the Academy in the Development of the Law
12th Annual Patron's Address [2023] There is no single correct sentence: Some thoughts on choice, subjectivity and the ethics of sentencing
The Hon Justice Helen Bowskill, Chief Justice of Queensland
The Hon Justice Peter Quinlan, Chief Justice of Western Australia
11th Annual Patron's Address [2022]
Leave those blue-eyed babies alone: Rhetorical Limitations on Parliamentary Sovereignty
10th Annual Patron's Address [2021]
Thinking about Law: The importance of how we attend and of context
The Hon Patrick Keane AC KC
The Hon James Allsop AO, Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Australia
9th Annual Patron's Address [2020]
Aboriginal Australians and The Common Law
Her Excellency The Hon Margaret Beazley AC QC , Governor of New South Wales
8th Annual Patron's Address [2019]
The academy and the courts: what do they mean to each other today?
The Hon Susan Kiefel AC Chief Justice of Australia |
7th Annual Patron's Address [2018]
Back to the Future? Reconciling sovereignty and the interest of first peoples
The Rt Hon Dame Sian Elias |
5th Annual Patron's Address [2016]
The Increasing Internationalisation of Australian Law
Justin Gleeson SC |
4th Annual Patron's Address [2015]
Magna Carta and the Development of the Common Law
Professor Paul Brand |
3rd Annual Patron's Address [2014]
The Common Law Litigation Process: Time for a rethink?
The Hon Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon |
2nd Annual Patron's Address [2013]
Lions in Conflict: Ellesmere, Bacon and Coke - the prerogative battle
The Hon James Spigelman AC QC |
1st Annual Patron's Address [2012]
Judges and the Academy: Dialogue of the Hard of Hearing
The Hon Chief Justice Robert French AC, High Court of Australia, Patron of the Australian Academy of Law |
Event Papers by year
Event papers can be seen on the events page by clicking on the event |
2019 |
[2019] 8th Austin Asche Oration The Journey of a Restless Advocate - Creating a more gender equal Australia
Ms Elizabeth Broderick
2018 |
[2018] NSW Event A Panel Discussion on the Non-Financial Barriers to Justice
2017 |
[2017] WA Event Rationality and Reason in Administrative Law - Would a Roll of the Dice be Just as Good? |
The Hon Robert French AC |
[2017] Trends in Legal Education |
Professor Sarah C Derrington
[2017] WA Event Legal and Literary Pursuits |
The Hon Nicholas Hasluck AM,
2015 |
[2015] QLD Event The Province of an Independent Legal Profession |
Mr Walter Sofronoff QC |
[2015 NSW Event Magna Carta in its Medieval Context |
The Hon James Spigelman AC QC |
2014 |
[2014] WA Event North Korea, International Law and Political Reality |
The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG |
2013 |
[2013] ACT Event The Public/Private Divide; and its implications for the extent of judicial interventions in civil disputes |
The Hon Justice Patrick Keane Justice of the High Court of Australia |
2011 |
[2011] Reflections on Common Sense Causation in Australia |
Professor Jane Stapleton, ANU College of Law |
2008 |
[2008] Vic Event Swapping Ideas: The Academy, the Judiciary and the Profession
The Chief Justice of Australia, The Hon Robert French AC, Patron of the Australian Academy of Law
Annual Essay Prize
2020 Topic: “The impact of a new and widespread contagious disease on pre-existing contractual obligations.
Ms Ngo's essay can be viewed here.
Mr Allchurch's essay can be viewed here.
Joint Winners: Ms Natalie Ngo and Mr Tom Allchurch, Associate to the Hon Justice Garde at the Supreme Court of Victoria and Solicitor, NSW Crown Solicitor's Office
2019 Topic: How do private law and public law interact in Australia? What are, and what should be, the available remedies (public or private or both) where they interact?
Dr Rock's essay can be viewed here.
Winner: Ellen Rock
Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Technology Sydney
2018 Topic: Rights and freedoms under the Australian Constitution: what are they and do they meet the needs of the contemporary Australian society?
Ms Mill's essay can be viewed here.
Winner: Ashleigh Mills
Workplace Relations and Safety Associate, Holding Redlich Lawyers Sydney |
2017 Topic: How well do Australian legal institutions respond to climate change? How could that response be improved? Note: ‘Australian legal institutions’ includes legislatures, courts, public administration, universities and other legal teaching and research institutions
Ms McCormack's essay can be viewed here.
Winner: Phillipa McCormack
Commissioning editor, Australian Environment Review, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Law, University of Tasmania |
2016 Topic: What effects have advances in technology (including artificial intelligence) had upon the discipline of law in academia, the practising profession and the courts, and how may that effect change over the next ten years? What steps should be taken now to harness the benefits and limit the detriments of those advances?
Associate Professor Bennett Moses’ essay can be viewed here.
Mr Size’s essay can be viewed here.
Joint Winners: Lyria Bennett Moses and Robert Size Associate Professor, University of NSW and Graduate Lawyer, Hall & Wilcox Lawyers |
2015 Topic: How should academia, the practising profession and the courts assist each other in the education of Australian lawyers?
Ms McKeon's essay can be viewed here.
Winner: Ailsa McKeon
Associate to the Hon Justice Roslyn G. Atkinson AO |
Michael Coper Memorial Prize
[2019] Michael Coper Memorial Prize Winner 2019 A Total Ban on Gene Doping: Not the most Gene-ius Idea |
Ms Hennie Lui
Student, University of Queensland |
Papers by Fellows
Antisocial Personality Disorder and Therapeutic Justice Court Programs |
Dr Andrew Cannon, Deputy Chief Magistrate for South Australia
Trial by Tweet? Findings on Facebook? Social Media Innovation or Degradation? The Future and Challenge of Change for Courts |
Dr Andrew Cannon, Deputy Chief Magistrate for South Australia |
The Rule of Law and Some Aspects of the Current Legal Scene in Australia |
The Hon Kevin Lindgren AM, QC |
Legal history in Australia:The development of Australian legal/historical scholarship |
Emeritus Professor Horst Lucke, formerly Professor of Law, University of Adelaide |
Deciding Cases without the Guidance of Statute or Precedent |
Emeritus Professor Horst Lucke, formerly Professor of Law, University of Adelaide |
Statutes and the Intention of the Lawmaker as the Ultimate Guide to Their Applicability: History and Prospects |
Emeritus Professor Horst Lucke, formerly Professor of Law, University of Adelaide |
The European Natural Law Codes: The Age of Reason and the Powers of Government |
Emeritus Professor Horst Lucke, formerly Professor of Law, University of Adelaide |
Population Challenges for the Australian Judiciary: The Next 40 Years |
Professor Brian Opeskin, Professor of Legal Governance, Macquarie University |