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Board Committees

Click on the Committee name for the Terms of Reference (ToR)

Governance Committee

Dr Nuncio D'Angelo (Chair)

Emeritus Professor David Barker AM 

The Hon John Digby KC

Mr Russell Miller AM

Mr Michael Murray 

The Hon Alan Robertson AM SC (ex officio)

Membership Committee

The Hon John Digby KC (Chair)

The Hon Kevin Lindgren AM, KC 

The Hon Alan Robertson AM SC 

Emeritus Professor David Barker AM

The Hon Tony Besanko KC

The Hon Emeritus Professor Ralph Simmonds

Emeritus Professor Paul Fairall

 Mr Glenn Ferguson AM

The Hon Pamela Tate AM KC

Finance Committee

Emeritus Professor Bee Chen Goh (Chair)

The Hon Kevin Lindgren AM, KC

Emeritus Professor David Barker AM

The Hon Alan Robertson AM SC (ex officio)

Mr Russell Miller AM

Professor Philip Chung AM

Website and Communications Committee

Professor Philip Chung AM (Chair)

Mr Michael Murray

Emeritus Professor David Barker AM

Professor Jianfu Chen

The Hon Alan Robertson AM SC (ex officio)

Prizes and Scholarships Committee

The Hon Pamela Tate AM KC (Chair)

The Hon Alan Robertson AM SC

Dr Ian Freckelton AO KC

The Hon Kevin Lindgren AM KC

The Hon Justice Stephen McDonald

Professor Natalie Skead

Research & Expenditure Committee

The Hon Alan Robertson AM SC (Chair)

The Hon Kevin Lindgren AM KC

Emeritus Professor Bee Chen Goh

The Hon John Digby KC

The Hon Tony Besanko KC

Emeritus Professor David Barker AM

Emeritus Professor Stephen Bottomley

There will also be ad hoc members for particular projects

Members of the Event Organising Committees of the Academy in the States and Territories

Australian Capital Territory

Professor Stephen Bottomley

The Hon Mary Finn

Mr Ian Govey AM

Mr Russell Miller AM

New South Wales

The Hon Dr Kevin Lindgren AM KC

The Hon Alan Robertson AM SC

Professor Rosalind Croucher AM

Professor Natalie Klein

Mr Michael Murray

Dr Nuncio D'Angelo

Northern Territory

The Hon Justice Judith Kelly AO


The Hon Justice John Bond

The Hon Anthe Philippides

Emeritus Professor Bee Chen Goh

Mr Glenn Ferguson AM


South Australia

The Hon Tony Besanko KC


The Hon Chief Justice Alan Blow AO

Emeritus Professor the Hon Kate Warner AC

The Hon Pamela Tate AM KC
Professor Duncan Bentley

The Hon John Digby KC
The Hon Justice Karin Emerton
The Hon Justice Chris Horan
The Hon Justice Mark Moshinsky

Western Australia

Mr Kanaga Dharmananda SC

Professor Erika Techera

Professor Sarah Murray

Professor Jurgen Brohmer

The Hon Justice Darren Jackson

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