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'Corporations and Corporate Insolvency Jurisdiction of the Federal Court – From Passer-by to Chameleon Lodger'

  • 23 Oct 2017
  • 4:30 PM
  • Court One, Federal Court of Australia, Level 8, 305 William Street, Melbourne


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Speaker: The Honourable Justice Michelle Gordon

Time and Date: 4:30pm, Monday 23 October 2017

Venue: Court One (Level 8), Federal Court of Australia, 305 William Street, Melbourne

The Honourable Justice Michelle Gordon was appointed to the High Court of Australia in June 2015. At the time of her appointment, she was a judge of the Federal Court of Australia, to which she was appointed in April 2007.

Her Honour graduated in law from the University of Western Australia. She was admitted to practice in Western Australia in 1987 and joined the Victorian Bar in 1992. She was appointed Senior Counsel in 2003. She practiced in state and federal courts principally in commercial, equity, taxation and general civil matters. She was appointed a Professional Fellow of the Melbourne Law School in July 2015. 

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