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  • A Tale of Two Ships: the Tampa and the Afghan

A Tale of Two Ships: the Tampa and the Afghan

  • 15 Jan 2019
  • 28 Feb 2019


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In a land “girt by sea”, unauthorised maritime arrivals have long been a source of tension between courts and executive governments.  The lecture will compare and contrast little-remembered events in the late nineteenth century colonial Australia with well-known events in this century.

When:            Thursday 28 February 2019, 6.00pm – 7.30pm

Where:           The University of Adelaide Law School
                        Ligertwood Building, North Terrace, Adelaide

All are warmly invited to this, the Academy’s public event for South Australia in 2019.

Refreshments will be served following the event.

For catering purposes, registration is essential – a flyer for the event can be found here.

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