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  • Michael Coper Roundtable: Preserving the integrity of the Public Service

Michael Coper Roundtable: Preserving the integrity of the Public Service

  • 27 Aug 2024
  • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Office of the Australian Government Solicitor, 4 National Circuit Barton ACT



In Person Event Canberra | FELLOWS ONLY

All AAL Fellows who are in Canberra on 27 August 2024 are invited to this Michael Coper Roundtable.

Preserving the integrity of the Public Service is an enduring and lively topic. This Roundtable will examine recent developments, focusing on two important publications:

·         A Discussion Paper released by Andrew Podger in July 2024 titled ‘Further Reform of the Australian Public Service’, endorsed by 28 former senior public servants.  The Discussion Paper can be found at:

·         A Report by the Victorian Ombudsman published in December 2023 titled  ‘Alleged Politicisation of the Public Sector’. John McMillan led the investigation as Strategic Advisor. The Report is available at

The Australian Academy of Law is delighted to host this event,
chaired by Emeritus Professor Stephen Bottomley FAAL.

Andrew Podger is a former Australian Government Public Service Commissioner and Departmental Secretary, and is Honorary Professor of Public Policy at ANU. 

John McMillan is a former Commonwealth Ombudsman and Information Commissioner and is an Emeritus Professor at ANU.

Refreshments will be served

Registration is essential and will close at 9.00 am on Friday 23 August 2024

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